Learn more about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and how to make them work for you – at our inspiring, interactive workshop, delivered by leading CSR experts.

The Sustainable Development Goals are the business opportunity of the century. Also, they’re a major focus for governments all over the world. They give your organisation the chance to address the world’s greatest challenges, make a positive impact and boost your reputation. But it can be hard to know where to start.

This workshop will help you understand more about the SDGs, how you can help achieve them and how that will benefit your business.

In a two-hour interactive session led by our expert training partners, you’ll discover :

  • How to integrate them into your business plans
  • What the SDGs are and why they matter
  • How to involve and engage your employees using the SDGs
  • How to measure your CSR impact

“Now is the time to mobilize the global business community as never before. Trillions of dollars in public and private funds are to be redirected towards the SDGs, creating huge opportunities for responsible companies to deliver solutions.”

– UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The SDGs are becoming an essential part of the global agenda. Very soon clients, investors and employees will start asking what you’re doing to help achieve them.

Book your session today.
